Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Small to Medium Sized Wastewater Treatment Plants See Large Benefits in Low Cost Flow Systems


The Tracer 1000 Level Transmitter and DigaCom 2000 Universal Process Display provide accurate flow measurement and recording in weirs and flumes.  FLO-CORP has created a system with all the functions of advanced measurement and reporting equipment at a price point that small municipalities can afford.

The Tracer 1000 level transmitter is used in numerous wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) across the nation to measure flow through weirs and flumes.  Coupled with the DigaCom 2000 universal process display, the system creates accurate and reliable measurement for EPA reporting and other flow tracking.  Furthermore, when the DigaCom 2000 is monitored by our free DigaLink software, the WWTP gains remote monitoring, alarming, and other features at no additional cost.

The installs pictured above were completed this summer and join a large number of WWTP trusting their reporting to FLO-CORP's high quality equipment.

When FLO-CORP set out to design systems for WWTP, we had one specific goal in mind:  we wanted to create a low cost system with all the functions of traditional systems plus include premium features like Remote I/O, flexible forms of communications, the highest degree of sensing technology and pack it with free remote monitoring, alarming and recording software.  Thanks to the achievement of this goal, we offer systems to the market that give WWTP in small municipalities the same options that were previously only in reach for big budget municipalities.

FLO-CORP also offers ultrasonic level transmitters and advanced universal process displays when the application calls for it.