Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Flow Meters for the Oil & Gas Industry

The Role of Oil & Natural Gas

When I read that article today, I wanted to share it with you because it is an interesting discussion of energy.  In the section, Implications for Flowmeters, Dr. Yoder discusses several technologies in use in the industry.  FLO-CORP offers several of these technologies including Coriolis Mass Flow, Turbine, Positive Displacement, and Ultrasonic*.

In addition to these technologies, we also offer a volumetric (variable area) flow meter that is very popular amongst our oil and gas customers.

FLO-CORP regularly supplies the oil and gas industry and would be happy to discuss your application needs.  Please e-mail us, call us at 877-356-5463, or visit our website for more information.  www.flo-corp.com

FLO-CORP Mobile Flow Measurement
FLO-CORP's Mobile Flow Measurement System is pictured above on the back of a tank truck.

To stay in the loop on future product updates, as well as gas and oil industry information, please join our e-mail list!

*Our ultrasonic flow meter line is currently being revamped and is set for a Q2 relaunch.  In the meantime these meters are available.  Please e-mail Dan Grumney, the Flow Product Manager at FLO-CORP, or call us at 877-356-5463 and he would be happy to assist you!