Typical Applications
- Oils & Refined Chemicals
- Corrosive Liquids & Slightly Corrosive Acids
- Sticky & Dirty Media
- Water & Wastewater
Range: 1' to 26' (Up to 36' for other Ranger products)
Measurement: Liquids
Accuracy: < 1.0m +/- 5mm > 1.0m +/- 1%
Process Connection: 2" NPT
The high quality and compact construction of the Ranger 1000™ Ultrasonic Level Transmitter makes it an excellent choice for industrial applications. The transmitter comes complete with an integral display featuring three push buttons for programming and diagnostics. The display is situated under the lid for security and features just eight parameters to set making it a very simple device to set up and use. Furthermore, the performance of the Ranger 1000 sets it apart from other ultrasonic transmitters on the market with fast responses measuring 32.8 feet per minute without risk of losing the signal. Faster measurement performance means more accurate monitoring than is available with slower conventional transmitters. The device can be configured for either level or distance in feet, meters, or a percentage of span. Empty distance and span can be entered in real values anywhere within the instrument’s range. The device comes standard with a 2” NPT connection, 4-20 mA output, two relays, and analog communication. The Ranger 1000 excels at industrial level measurement with superior speed and durability when compared to the ultrasonic market.
sales@flo-corp.com | 877-356-5463 | www.flo-corp.com